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Autoretrato con Monos (Self portrait with Monkeys) 1943
Oil on Canvas 81 x 63 cm
Jacques and Natasha Gellman Collection

Árbol de la Esperanza, Mantente Firme
(Tree of Hope, Stand Fast) 1946
Oil on Masonite 56 x 41 cm
Courtesy Isidore Ducasse Fine Arts Inc.

The Wounded Deer (The Little Deer) 1946
oil on Masonite 22.4 x 30 cm
Collection of Carolyn Farb, Houston

La Columa Rota (The Broken Column) 1944
Oil on Masonite 42 x 33 cm
Collection of Dolores Olmedo, Mexico City

Autoretrato con Traje de Terciopelo
(Self Portrait with a Velvet Dress) 1926
Oil on Canvas, 78 x 61 cm
Collecion on Alejandro Gomez

Mis Abuelos, Mis Padres y Yo
(My Grandparents, My Parents, and I) 1936
oil and tempura on metal panel 30.7 x 34.5 cm
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, gift of Allan Roos, MD and B. Mathieu Roos

Autoretrato con Collar de Espinas y Colibri
(Selp portrait with Thorn Necklas and Hummingbird) 1940
Oil on Masonite 60 x 40 cm
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Art Collection University of Texas at Austin

Self Portrait in a Red and Gold Dress

Self portrait with Monkey and Parrot 1942
Oil on Masonite 21 x 17 inches
Constantini Collection, Argentina

Raíces o El Pedregal (Roots) 1943
Oil on Metal 30 x 50 cm
Private collection

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