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10 Things to do in the airport when you're bored

10. Walk.

Walk the entire concourses A, B, C, D, and whatever other letters they have. Field tests show this can take from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

collage of airport pics

9. Watch kids.

Watch kids be delighted by underground tunnels, fountains, and other arty features.

Kid dancing in an airport from karindalziel on Vimeo.
(Music by: ccmixter.org/media/files/oldDog/11739.)

Fountain in Detroit airport

8. Eat.

Find the cheapest place possible to eat. This can be accomplished in conjunction with #10 above. Often, your best best is Taco Bell or Burger King.

Burger king in airport
(Image by jp_tech_girl.)

7. Shop, don't buy.

Scour gift shops for very specific mementos. If you find said memento, take a picture rather than buying it.

Collage from  Detroit airport

6. Ride.

If you are lucky enough to be stuck in an airport with a train or some other people moving device, ride it for the full length of the journey.

Monorail in Detroit airport

5. Dance.

Do an interpretive dance in the tunnel (which will usually feature new age-y music). (Note, this tip has not been tested.)

colored tunnel in Detroit airport

4. Play.

Find a jungle gym type place and practice spinning on bars. (Note, This tip has not been tested either. The security guards were giving me weird looks.)

Inside of monorail in Detroit airport

3. Listen.

Watch a fountain and try to find a track on your mp3 player that matches.

Fountains from karindalziel on Vimeo.

(Music by: ccmixter.org/media/files/DJ_Rkod/11554.)

2. People watch.

People watch - pay attention to footwear.

(Photos, clockwise from top left, by logic vs love, splorp, Ian Broyles, and Ginger nut.)

1. List.

Make a list of things to do in an airport when you're bored.


Created September 4, 2007, last updated September 25, 2007.
Airplane photo by Mrs. Jolanda

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